From the Editors
This issue of Purpose Magazine – Enterprise in Culture is about museums. The year 2008 is abundant in events concerning museums, though mostly their organizational side.
In March, in Warsaw, there was the conference ''Towards a Modern Museum''. Regrettably, apart from Purpose, there were no other media present. Also regrettably, the conference was meant only for Mazowieckie Region. Those who wish to learn more about the conference may be especially interested in the interview with Aleksandra Kielan, Director of Mazowieckie Centre of Culture and Art. The Centre pointed out to us the emerging Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, but nobody at the Museum was willing to give us an interview.
Those who would like to gain new knowledge in museum management, marketing and PR are encouraged to visit Venice in June 2008 (25th – 28th), where, in the most prestigious buildings of the city, an annual series of meetings will be organized for marketing, museum communication and cultural institutions professionals. This will be the 8th edition of the international conference ‘Communicating the Museum’, this time on Public Relations and marketing in culture.
We highly recommend the interview with Jarosław Suchan, Director of Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, with whom Artur Zaguła talks about the museum location in Manufaktura. We invite those interested in international cooperation to read the interview with Dorota Folga Januszewska, Chairperson of the National Committee of ICOM in Poland, who talks about the benefits of the membership in an elite committee. In the section ‘Workshop’, artist Jan de Werycha-Wysoczański reveals how he is creating a private museum in Hamburg. And in the column ‘Young Culture’, multimedia artist Michał Brzeziński shares his impressions about cooperation with Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź.
For the last time, Our Readers are invited to have a closer look at American culture by our US correspondent, Magda Wojnowska, who this time presents the Peabody Essex Museum. One of the current exhibitions from this museum – ‘Origami Now!’’ – is shown in the section ‘Presentation.’
We wish you enjoyable reading! And we’ll looking forward to your comments.
In March, in Warsaw, there was the conference ''Towards a Modern Museum''. Regrettably, apart from Purpose, there were no other media present. Also regrettably, the conference was meant only for Mazowieckie Region. Those who wish to learn more about the conference may be especially interested in the interview with Aleksandra Kielan, Director of Mazowieckie Centre of Culture and Art. The Centre pointed out to us the emerging Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, but nobody at the Museum was willing to give us an interview.
Those who would like to gain new knowledge in museum management, marketing and PR are encouraged to visit Venice in June 2008 (25th – 28th), where, in the most prestigious buildings of the city, an annual series of meetings will be organized for marketing, museum communication and cultural institutions professionals. This will be the 8th edition of the international conference ‘Communicating the Museum’, this time on Public Relations and marketing in culture.
We highly recommend the interview with Jarosław Suchan, Director of Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, with whom Artur Zaguła talks about the museum location in Manufaktura. We invite those interested in international cooperation to read the interview with Dorota Folga Januszewska, Chairperson of the National Committee of ICOM in Poland, who talks about the benefits of the membership in an elite committee. In the section ‘Workshop’, artist Jan de Werycha-Wysoczański reveals how he is creating a private museum in Hamburg. And in the column ‘Young Culture’, multimedia artist Michał Brzeziński shares his impressions about cooperation with Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź.
For the last time, Our Readers are invited to have a closer look at American culture by our US correspondent, Magda Wojnowska, who this time presents the Peabody Essex Museum. One of the current exhibitions from this museum – ‘Origami Now!’’ – is shown in the section ‘Presentation.’
We wish you enjoyable reading! And we’ll looking forward to your comments.
Check the archive

nr 42 March 2008
theme of the issue:
< spis treści
From the Editors
Origami Now!
Career in Culture
Match the better one - conversationa with Ms Dorota Folga-Januszewska, Chairperson of the Polish National Committee of ICOM