“Entrepreneurship in culture is based on two pillars – artistic freedom and entrepreneur’s freedom”. The above sentence uttered in the 38th edition of "Purpose - Entrepreneurship in Culture" by Giep Hagoort - a culture entrepreneur and professor at the Faculty of Art and Economics of Utrecht University/Utrecht School of Arts in Holland - is the essence of the mission pursued by our magazine.
Four years of expert, conscious activities, aimed at helping Łódź and Polish culture, have resulted in trust and support we enjoy from our readers and partners.
The popularization of entrepreneurship among people of culture along with the promotion of enterprising artists on the Polish and international market has not been an easy task. But it has been worth doing it - for artists, cultural institutions, towns and regions. As Giep Hagoort said - „talking about entrepreneurship in culture, we don’t think: profit at all costs”. Entrepreneurship in culture may be beneficial in more ways than one, which has been exemplified in the first printed edition of “Purpose” with ambitious attempts made by Łódź to win the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

The printed edition features the creators and patrons of the process in which Łódź tries its best to win the ECC title. We present opinions of experts, culture specialists and officials involved in preparing the candidature of Łódź to take part in the EU competition. It is good to know what our city can expect within the next several years regardless of whether it wins or loses.

The issue was prepared in cooperation with the Office of Promotion, Tourism and International Cooperation, City Hall of Łódź