Media Cluster creates favourable conditions to the development of media industry in Łódź through helping the companies and entrepreneurs in media projects implementation, especially those concerning filmmaking, TV and new media. This project is an initiative  of the Polish National School of Film, Television, and Theatre in cooperation with local economy, the authorities, institutions, universities and the base of regional cultural, business and research and development centres. What the cluster is, how to create it and what for - those questions are answered by Sławomir Fijałkowski, the Chairman of the Media Cluster and Monika Głowacka from Łódź Municipal Office.

How does Media Cluster become a part of the development of creative industries sector?

Sławomir Fijałkowski: Current progress of civilisation is not only based on technological innovations but mainly on creative factor serving people and their needs. The technology must serve people and it is created for them. Technology gave birth to the new media but it depends on human creativity how they will be used and what kind of new applications they will bring in the future. Thanks to it, the progress of technology and civilisation is possible. That is why Media Cluster, coming out of the experience and tradition of film Łódź, takes into consideration the expectations of film environment and IT sector to make greater use of the historic moment for the renaissance of audiovisual industry in our city.

Does Łódź have a chance to become a creative centre of Poland basing on the film and the new media?

Firstly, Łódź and the region have a consolidated position when it comes to film industry in Poland. In Łódź the first post-war featurefilm 'Zakazane piosenki' was created and also the first Polish animated film 'Za króla Krakusa'. Łódź School of Film belongs to the most famous film schools in the world and is an important brand of Łódź. In spite of closing down Feature Film Production Company, the name Łódź is still associated with film. In Łódź, there is Se-Ma-For highly appreciated in the world; Educational Film Production Company; Museum of Cinematography, unique in Poland and also there are film festivals, such as  Cammerimage, which according to 'Variety' is considered to be one of the most important festivals in the world.

More and more thriving Studio OpusFilm and Contra Studio are also from Łódź. Finally, the collection of the Łódź Film Centre is one of the largest collections of film costumes and props in the world, containing over 200 thousand exhibits. In Łódź there is also a branch of Filmoteka Narodowa [National Film Archive]. If we also take into account such IT companies as AMGnet, Ericpol, Telecom  Commarch  and the universities connected with modern technologies and if we link all those factors with the whole human experience and potential, it is visible that the Media Cluster in Łódź has sense here in Łódź more than anywhere else.

What makes the Media Cluster different from other cluster initiatives created in Poland and in the world? What are its strengths and what should be improved?

Media Cluster has a lot of similar initiatives in the world, and the examples are Hollywood or the Silicon Valley. A lot of such examples can be also found in Europe,   e.g. in Leipzig. A similar initiative in Poland is the Multimedia Cluster in Nowy Sącz but none of the similar clusters have such strong roots and tradition as our Media Cluster. In Łódź it can be compared only to textile-clothing cluster. When it comes to the features which distinguish our cluster, this is mainly the fact that it is built on existing human tissue; smaller and bigger companies which are linked to our area. Regardless of the fact how we call the cluster of creative industries it has been naturally present in Łódź for many years. The concept of media cluster meets and includes technological progress, digitalisation and the development of the internet-TV projects. When it comes to the future of Media Cluster I think that it should be surrounded by creative, innovative brands based on modern technologies connected with individual identification and consumer electronics. The system of education should also be developed further because only then will it promote not only the artists but also ordinary professionals and will search for accomplished craftsmen needed for the development of new media.

Why is it worth becoming a member of the Cluster and who can become a member?

Well , I think that the choice really is not so big. The times when it was enough to have an idea and to implement it independently and with determination are already over. Now there are times of cooperation and it is visible that companies are able to reach an agreement and cooperate for the sake of their own interest in spite of the competitiveness in each and every sector. Such actions are stimulated and supported by the European Union and aid programmes in Poland. Clusters are created to support concrete sectors in particular area to make a better use of the existing potential and to stimulate progress in the particular area more effectively. First of all, they should develop the existing companies, create new ones and, consequently, create new workplaces. In more distant perspective also to oppose the competition from Asia. The member of the Cluster may be every company that will receive a positive opinion from the Presidium of the Cluster and will sign a contract. Until now the contract has been signed by over 60 companies from film, telecommunications, IT and cultural industries sectors.

What are the expectations of the Media Cluster members in relation to this initiative?

Forms of participation in the Media Cluster are: the proposals of new projects, joining existing projects, searching for investors or partners, making use of local suppliers and resources, participating in the events, increasing qualifications and sharing knowledge. It has to be remembered that our expectations are matched to the abilities of the members and entering companies. The more ideas we generate for our own business, the more possibilities od cooperation with other subjects will exist. Also, the bigger the chance for success for the Cluster itself.

And what are the expectations of the Media Cluster towards its partners?

First of all, simplifying the procedures of using the EU funds, supporting both large, strategic concepts and the undertakings of small companies; facilitating inter-sector contacts and directing the educational system in such a way so that it strengthens this sector and provides well-qualified workers. From the standpoint of creative industries it is also important to care for the protection of copyright and intellectual property, and legal security of the authors of particular projects. The reminder will be verified by the market itself.

Why have you engaged yourselves in the Media Cluster project?

Monika Głowacka: Łódź has been positively associated with the film industry for long time because of Łódź School of Film, numerous institutions from this sector and the personalities form the film world. The film aspect of the city was included in the "Strategy for the development of the Cluster in Łódź for the years 2007 - 2015" which was introduced due to the Resolution of the Łódź City Council number IX/155/07 of 11.04.2007 Within the 3rd pillar of the strategy, a big focus was put on the improvement of the attractiveness of the city through using its film tradition and interculturalism.

 The idea of creating the Media Cluster from the very beginning seemed to us to be very interesting and worth our support not only because of regulations written in the strategy but mainly because of the benefits connected with this initiative, such as the consolidation of the environment, faster and better development of the companies belonging to the cluster, the growth of the companies' competitiveness, increasing the ability of the companies to be innovative, improving the flow of information, knowledge and skills through formal and informal contacts, influencing the local labour market and promoting the participants of the cluster - directly and indirectly through the improvement of the city's image.

What is the condition of the media market in Łódź?

At the turn of 2007 and 2008, because of the instruction of the Łódź Municipal Office there was a study aiming at diagnosing the potential of media market in Łódź. The study showed that film and media market in Łódź is dominated by micro and small enterprises. Micro-enterprises employing up to 9 workers consituted 73% of all subjects, small businesses employing up to 50 workers - nearly 20%, medium businesses employing up to 250 workers - 5% and large enterprises employing over 250 workers - 3% of the subjects in the study. This structure is a reflection of all the businesses in Łódź. Over 90% of the enterprises from the study are private and 45% of it is constituted by sole traders. A straight majority od the businesses declared that they are developing. Nearly 60% described their development as stable, linear whereas as many as 25% as dynamic. This optimism results in the plans about introducting new products and services on the market. Almost 70% of businesses intend to extend their offer in the following year, both on the current market and new markets. This is obviously a very positive signal.

However, strongly rooted awareness of the film tradition in Łódź and huge potential of the market is not reflected in the pace of its development. The most optimistic  opinions concerning the development of media market in Łódź are expressed in big businesses, companies with the biggest experience and public entities. Therefore, media market in Łódź has a developmental potential which should be used properly. The initiative of the Media Cluster is one of such opportunities.  

Does this initiative show that "Film Łódź" is developing? Can Łódź become the most important film centre in Poland?

The initiative of Media Cluster  shows that there is a need for making use of film and media potential of Łódź. This is also the expression of maturity and readiness of the companies to do cooperative actions that would result in increasing their competitiveness on the market and in long-term perspective also their development. Projects such as the Media Cluster strengthen the position of film Łódź and show the external film environment the possibilities which audio-visual sector in Łódź has at its disposal. This is also a chance for stimulating the creativity of the companies and realisation of technologically advanced projects.

So, can Łódź become the most important film centre in Poland?

I think that it has chances for becoming one of the important audio-visual centres in Poland on condition that the actions taken to develop and promote audio-visual sector will be complementary and cohesive. However, we should not concentrate only on the film aspect of the city, which of course should be supported and developed but we should act more widely. Only the connection of several sectors: film, computer games, mobile technologies, e-marketing and advertising or new media also referred to as creative industries stimulates innovativeness, creativity and allows to have a competitive advantage over others on the market.

What does Łódź require to develop better and more quickly in this direction?

The needs are mainly: improving the infrastructure, understood not only as building the shop floors but also office spaces for micro-enterprises beginning the business activity or high standard hotels; creating the conditions favourable for implementation of audio-visual projects; creating favourable conditions for the development of local companies; encouraging external entities which are important from the perspective of the city to invest on its area; promoting the resources of Łódź in the country and abroad, international cooperation.

The city took up several initiatives aiming at the support of audio-visual industry and film productions realised on its area. In this year's second edition of "Łódź Film Fund" the following  film projects were co-financed: feature films "Jestem twój" by Mariusz Grzegorek (Krakatau Sp. z o.o.) and "Czekając na deszcz" by Piotr Trzaskalski (Opus-Film), animated film "Zuzanna" by Daria Kopiec (Se-ma-for) and the documentaries "Kern" directed by Grzegorz Królikiewicz (Studio Filmowe N.) and "Nekropolis" by Andrzej Czulda (Wytwórnia Filmów Oświatowych i Programów Edukacyjnych) as productions with high artistic values and ig promotional potential.

The city was also approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to become a member of the international Association of Film Commissioners (AFCI) and, consequently forming a Film Commission  in Łódź. Film Commission is a team of people, whose task is to provide services for the film industry according to standards and requirements of AFCI. Belonging to AFCI means for a film producer a uniform level of services provided by each and every film commission and a similar information pack which he may get from it. Therefore, for a film producer the Film Commission is a brand which means credibility and high level of provided services. I hope that at the end of the year we will be able to present proudly first effects of functioning of this unit. Moreover, the city facilitates and supports in a non-financial way the realisation of commercial film productions, hoping to get the foreign producers interested in Łódź, and also engages in international projects including the one with the city of Austin in Texas or film fund from Hamburg which will contribute to the development of audio-visual industry in Łódź.

Is the city directed towards the development of creative industries - e.g. entrepreneurs working in the media industry?

As I mentioned earlier, the city is concentrated on widely understood creative industries through e.g. supporting the initiative of Media Cluster, which is composed of the subjects representing various creative industries - film, IT, e-learning, e-marketing or new media. Currently, together with Media  Cluster  we are working on short-term and long-term projects, which will be implemented in near future.
I think that next time I will be able to present these initiatives in more detail.